Hi world.
I have found my way home to New Orleans! Everyone is sooo friendly! Folks stop me on the street to oh and ahh over how cute I am. And music just floats by like the smell of crawfish and gardenia’s through the night air. I love it! I must find the source of that intoxicating crawfish fragrance.
I have even gotten to go on security patrol schedule drop off with mama and big (boy is he ever) brother Toulouse. Ok, she had to carry me most of the way (I get very sleepy trying to keep up with Toulouse) but I got to be a big dog all the way down Fontainebleau! YAY me! Kesey, my oldest big brother, and I have formed somewhat of an alliance. I let him sneak my puppy chow and he lets me snuggle in his big fluffy tail. We must be skilled and sneaky or mom will catch us.
That is my report. A lot has happened in my short 6 weeks. I left the country for city life. I got brand new parents who think the sun and the moon set and rise over me. I got 2 great big brothers. I have oodles of friends and lots of new aunts and uncles. I have a brand new plush bed AND I got my froggie!
I will try and remember to keep all of my friends updated as I grow. Mom says “I will be a big dog like my brothers someday”. I can hardly wait.
Puppy kisses,
Baby Satchmo
PS - I LOVE my stuffed frog mom and dad gave me when I came home. I’m gonna eat it all gone!
I am Satchmo the frog assassin.