There is no way I am returning your call… All we need is both of us crying on the phone.
I had no idea what New Orleans Pet Care… post Katrina life would look like. I remember writing daily schedules on post-it notes for each of my team members.
We were thrilled when we got our little Magnolia…
I cannot thank you enough for supporting this company that means so very much to me... For being there for me when we needed you most. It was that small(very few) group of you that kept me going... kept my team at Tulane and made our new "normal"... well, "normal". Although often discussed... throwing in the towel was just not an option becuase of that "small few".
Thank you, thank you, thank you. Dr. Rich (you hate when we called you that!) and Magnolia’s Nurse Mom… Rich - you must be an amazing Cardiologist! Thank you both for always calling to check on Remy and I. Dr. Rich, thank you for making sure my heart was always well taken care of when my mind was not fully engaged or capable of thinking past Remy. Always feeling like I could pick up the phone was a great comfort.
I am so sorry that you are leaving us but I expect as all good New Orleans natives do… we will see you when you get back home. Much love… I will buy the first round of adult beverages and key lime pie when you get back! Take care of our sweet Magnolia. Oh yea - please don't have another baby until you get back. We had so much fun decorating the house!