Saturday, March 26, 2011
See you tomorrow?
We are going to miss our baby...
Friday, March 25, 2011
Palm Sunday Rabies Drive
Sun, 17 Apr, 2011 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Sponsored by the Louisiana SPCA and the Southeast Louisiana Veterinary Association and made possible by the City of New Orleans Health Department, City of New Orleans Fire Department and Sewerage and Water Board.
Rabies vaccinations are required by law and are applicable to cats and dogs. Dogs must be on leashes and cats must be in carriers or on leashes. Licenses issued for Orleans Parish residents only.
Vaccinations administered by members of the SLVA at the following locations:
Engine 1 Fire House at 2920 Magazine St.
Engine 4 Fire House at 6900 Downman Rd.
Engine 12 Fire House at 5600 Franklin Ave.
Engine 17 Fire House at 4115 Woodland Dr.
Engine 18 Fire House at 778 Harrison Ave.
Engine 24 Fire House at 1040 Poland Ave.
Engine 25 Fire House at 2430 S. Carrollton Ave.
Engine 27 Fire House at 2118 Elysian Fields Ave.
Engine 35 Fire House at 964 N. Carrollton Ave.
Engine 36 Fire House at 5403 Read Blvd.
Engine 40 Fire House at 2500 General de Gaulle Dr.
Common Ground Relief at 1800 Deslonde St.
$15 (CASH ONLY) for a dog or cat rabies vaccination, tag and license.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Sweet baby girl (9 or 10 years old) needs a home...
Mark Twain once said, "Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." And I couldn't agree more. You may be looking at me thinking that my age and senior status is a little more than you bargained for. Well think again! Just think about all those little pesky puppy things you don't have to worry about. For one, I'm not as young as I used to be, which roughly translates into "I'm not as obnoxious as I used to be." Okay, that sounds harsh, but would you describe raising a puppy as "easy?" Ask any staff member here, and they will tell you the brutal truth. Puppies are a ton of work! Now check me out; I'm a dog who has lived. Chances are I have lots of life experience that makes me a well rounded dog. I've met lots of people in my life. Most likely I've experienced love, and I know how to give it back. I've experienced disappointment and heartbreak. After all, I'm at the shelter, and I had to get here through one path or another. Maybe I came here to P.A.W.S when my family could no longer care for me, maybe I came here after I was found as a stray,or maybe I spent my whole life working in a puppy mill, but do you care enough to find out more? Please come down to P.A.W.S to meet me today! Give a senior dog a chance. Trust me; there is more to me than meets the eye! This sweet gentle female is up to date on all vaccines, spayed, microchipped and ready to meet her new best friend that will be with her as she ages gracefully.
Please call PAWS 504.392.1601 or email paws2003@bellsouth.net
The situation in Japan breaks my heart...

This woman has been through a 9.0 earthquake, a killer tsunami, a nuclear power plant that is emitting radiation, has nowhere to live, is hungry and cold... and she STILL HAS HER DOG!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Are you in the CBD?
Owner died... 10year old Boston Terrier needs home

Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Senior Poodle - For adoption - Owner surrender - "we just don't like her"
City Bark - 1st Anniversary Celebration ~ this Sunday

FIRST ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION: Can you believe that NOLA City Bark will be 1 year old (or would that be 7 years old?) on March 27? Come join us for a birthday celebration on Sunday March 27 from 9am-2pm! This party is free for all dog park members, both 2-legged and 4-legged. There will be food, birthday cake, drinks, agility, photographs of you and your pooch, obedience demonstrations, and doggie themed music. Veterinarians and behaviorists will be on hand to answer your health & behavior questions. We will be selling NOLA City Bark t-shirts and dog park permits and renewals.
Please bring new or gently used towels to donate. We will use them at Shampooch (see upcoming events this newsletter) on April 2 and then wash them and donate them to the LA-SPCA.
Dog Day Afternoon ~ this Sunday ~ March 27th

Dog Day Afternoon homepage. | |
LOCATION: | New Orleans City Park- Roosevelt Mall
Monday, March 21, 2011
Found in a box on Chef Highway...
Cruelty Investigations Workshop
Time | Saturday, March 26 · 11:00am - 3:30pm |
Location | Old Metairie Branch Library 2350 Metairie Road |
Created By | |
Want to help out on the front lines, helping abused and neglected animals in Louisiana? Let the pros teach you the basics, at the Humane Society of Louisiana's upcoming Cruelty Investigations Workshop. We've offered training courses for humane investigators and law enforcement professionals for more than 20 years. HSL is also the state's only licensed 'pet detective' agency; we rely on the services of trained volunteer investigators to respond to and/or assist with animal abuse and neglect complaints statewide. Not sure if you want to become an investigator? Come learn more about what's involved. The course covers information about the state's animal protection laws and their enforcement, which is useful to anyone interested in animal protection. Participants will review the local and state animal cruelty laws and how to use them in aiding animals in distress. Field investigation practices, report writing, crime scene documentation and court room presentation will also be reviewed. The course runs 11-3:30 with a 1 hour break for lunch/networking with likeminded people. Light refreshments only provided. $10 donation appreciated to help cover costs. | |
I got stuck behind this guy for 2 blocks...
City Bark - News
* FIRST ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION: Can you believe that NOLA City Bark will be 1 year old (or would that be 7 years old?) on March 27? Come join us for a birthday celebration on Sunday March 27 from 9am-2pm! This party is free for all dog park members, both 2-legged and 4-legged. There will be food, birthday cake, drinks, agility, photographs of you and your pooch, obedience demonstrations, and doggie themed music. Veterinarians and behaviorists will be on hand to answer your health & behavior questions. We will be selling NOLA City Bark t-shirts and dog park permits and renewals.
Please bring new or gently used towels to donate. We will use them at Shampooch (see upcoming events this newsletter) on April 2 and then wash them and donate them to the LA-SPCA.
* DOG DAY AFTERNOON: Also on Sunday March 27 is the LA-SPCA's Dog Day Afternoon to be held on Roosevelt Mall in City Park just acros the railroad tracks from the dog park. Stop by the dog park for free coffee & pastries and then walk over to Roosevelt Mall and join the walk at 11:00 AM in support of teh shelter. Go to www.la-spca.org and click on events to access the event calendar and learn more about Dog Day and all the LA-SPCA events. Many of our permit holders have rescue dogs from the LA-SPCA and surrounding shelters and understand the importance of supporting animal welfare organizations-please make an effort to support this important event.
NEW SOIL AND TURF FOR HILL: The dog park will be temporarilyclosed all day on Tuesday March 29 and Wednesday March 30 to spread new soil and install turf on the long, bare hill just inside the main gate. This is the time of year to do this so the grass can take advantage of the spring growing season. Volunteers will then fence off that area until the grass has had a chance to establish itself. In the event of rain or other complications, we will let you know by email if this date changes or if the closure needs to be extended.
PERMIT RENEWALS: Please visit the websit, www.nolacitybark.org for permit renewal information.
NOLA City Bark will host its second 101 Donations fundraiser at the Pavilion of Two Sisters in City Park. This gala event will include food, drinks, live music, and a fantastic auction. Our goal is to raise $60,000 to be used for the installation of lights, irrigation and to repay City Park for funds advanced to complete the dog park. Our adorable Dalmatian wooden cut-out dogs will once again be for sale in April and will be hung on the fence to show that you have supported NOLA City Bark. Please mark your calendar and plan to attend and contribute to this fundraiser. If you would like to help with a committee - auction, food, decorating, etc. - contact us at info@nolacitybark.org.