Saturday, September 25, 2010

Poor baby H

He was so scared of the thunder that he got stuck between the wall and the washer.

Note from his Mom...

I did have to help get him out! I put a biscuit out of reach and tilted  the 300+lb washer back so he could squeeze out. It was pretty comical - and most  important I was successful! LOL 

What the heck?

A bike! Looks cool... I would kill myself!

Save the date y'all!

Bad to the Bones: Rescued on the Runway

A fashion show fundraiser benefiting the Humane Society of Louisiana will be held Saturday, October 16, 2010, from 6:00 – 9:30 p.m. at Eiffel Society, 2040 St. Charles Avenue, New Orleans, Louisiana. There will be three cash door prizes ($150.00, $100.00, and $50.00). The first two hundred guests will receive doggie bags full of treats for pets and great giveaways for their humans.

The doggie fashion show starts at 7:00 p.m., and all the canine models will be up for adoption with the hope to be rescued on the runway! After the fashion show, our guests will have a chance to participate in a Costume Contest for best-dressed pet, best human costume, and best pet/person pair.

Prizes include a private Zephyrs’ Box Suite party for twenty of your closest friends and family, a six month supply of Natural Balance dog food from Petcetera, a three month supply of Nutro dog food from Petcetera, gift certificates from many wonderful local businesses such as Slim Goodies and Hands on Therapeutics and several local restaurants…as well as other prizes.

Café Atchafalaya, Joey K’s, Eiffel Society, The Harbor, and Mahoney’s Po-boys will have tasty samplings of food. The Humane Society is cooking a vegan dish. All food sales from these restaurants will be donated to one of the six local rescue groups who are presenting pets for adoption at the event. These groups are Animal Rescue New Orleans, Louisiana SPCA, SULA Foundation, Used Dogs, Tater Tot Big Dog Rescue.

Pet photographer, Scott Stuntz, will be available to take party pics of the participants. This New Orleans' style party will feature local live music from Juice and Kirk Joseph.

Runway costumes will be provided by local designers, NOLA Bitch Couture, a doggie style - design house, and New Orleans Party and Costume, 705 Camp Street, and Miss Claudia's Vintage Clothing, 4204 Magazine Street.
Come mingle with our guest judges: T-Pot from B97, Chris Franklin from Fox 8, Lucy Bustamante from WWLTV 4, Sandy Shilstone of New Orleans Marketing and Tourism, and Katie Sarphie from, and our MC, the Honorable Jackie Clarkson.

Tickets for humans are $15.00/pets $10.00 in advance and can be purchased in person at Petcetera, 3205 Magazine St., via phone at 504-269-8711 or by visiting the website at All donations are tax deductible and go to the animal rescue groups.

Love it!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Fix Dat T-Shirts!

Show your Louisiana pride with a little twist: a spay and neuter twist that is!

We all know how special our family pets are, now we can help thousands of other pets by joining the FIX DAT! Nation.

Support the St. Tammany Humane Society and all their homeless pets with your FIX DAT! t-shirt.

Get em' while they last!

Operation "Save the house!"

Baby MV - International Lover and baby R are baby sitting!

Doing what Mommy does...

Miss you Mommy but LOVE our long, long, long, long walks with Bradley & Pamela!

Keeping An Eye On Matthew In The Caribbean - WWL - AM870 | FM105.3 | News | Talk | Sports

Heads up traveling parents... A few of you leaving this week for two/three weeks! Please be mindful of Matthew...

Keeping An Eye On Matthew In The Caribbean - WWL - AM870 | FM105.3 | News | Talk | Sports

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

LASPCA Howling Success Party - Get tickets today!

Mardi Gras World- River City Ballroom
7:00 pm Patron Party, Entertainment: Anais St. John
8:30 pm - Midnight Gala, Entertainment: Swingaroux

Dress: Cocktail or 1940's Attire
Humanitarian Award Winner: Anderson Cooper & the team at AC360

Join us at Howling Success by purchasing a ticket .

Walkin' Pamlea...

Pamela got really excited to see...

She loves this time of the year.

Bradley & Riley watching the game!

Well... Bradley watching the game.
We had no internet service in the house last PM... ugh.

Our Mom has the best job EVER!

Hi Mom

I love these two yittle ones!