Saturday, March 21, 2020

Where we are at the moment...

Last night, I had a great conversation with two people I really respect. It gave me some things to think about and I also emailed my team. 

Email(s) to confirm next week schedule will come tomorrow as usual and will add some things about protocol going forward.

Also, got feedback from all of my staff so the suggestions they made will be implemented and I will explain more about that too.

Friday, March 20, 2020

I take the direction from Mayor Cantrel very seriously...

with that, we are still working to support those of you on the front line.

More to come via email tomorrow...

Thanks y'all!

So many people have been checking on us and just reaching out to check the health of my team and the health of my business. Katrina almost did us in but we bounced back. I am doing everything I can to keep the business moving forward.

I appreciate y'all. I worry about all of you and at the end of the day, y'all are our family. Be well...

We will continue to support those of you that need us and thanks for having my back too.


Thursday, March 19, 2020

The cat is out of the bag...

Regular blog readers put it together a long time ago... and really observant people figured it out when The Advocate ran a story with photos about the engagement...  Anyway - to settle nerves - 

... no, we have not been in direct contact with the baby daddy and are all just fine. Erin, Michelle and I take care of them and as I am sure our regular readers know, they are with me a good bit because Dad and Mom travel. So - all is well with us and Mom and Dad! Murphy (pictured here) is probably loving every moment of them being home.

Also - M can’t sit like a normal dog on a sofa and his high pony is still looking fabulous. (See past blog posts) 

Also2 - His sister is not in the photo because I know her well enough to know she is up to no good but I love her. 

Not a care in the world

My CBO is not having it today...

Isabelle Jane

Play time!


Here are the twins to brighten your day...

He is happy!

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

One foot in front of the other...

I always say “New Orleans is such a small city” and it really is. Locals do all know each other or are connected in some way. To be close to people who have already lost someone and to have a daily conversation with someone who is at ground zero is gut wrenching. 

This baby needs a home. Let me say this - he needs a lot of patience, love and most of all training. If you know someone who is looking for a family member, Ranger is looking for a new home. 

Kick it up Ms Erin

Feeling better today...

Good lawd

I have cans of #lysol all over the house and just sprayed my hair with it.  🤦‍♀️

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Mommy is on the front lines...

And we just doing our best to stay positive and be nice to each other! We actually love this socially distancing thing.

Huge shout out to Magazine Street Vet Clinic...

For understanding that his Nurse Mommy HAS to be in the clinic and he is sick and needs to be seen. Everything was done via text from us with notes and videos from Mom. 

We can all do this safely when we all work together! 

By the way...

That text was not the first I received to do the same...

I am so blessed to have y’all. I know everyone has a different financial situation so we don’t expect at all. I just appreciate it so much. 

I am so worried about my team.

Things that made me cry this am...