At least he did what I asked... Thanks Bradley! She is pretty!
Dear Friends of the Louisiana SPCA,
For over 60 years the Louisiana Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals has been contracted to provide animal control services to the City of New Orleans. Animal control is an important municipal responsibility, and the LA/SPCA is proud of the quality of services and humane care we have been given the opportunity to provide to the citizens and animals of Orleans Parish. The LA/SPCA Board of Directors has decided it would be a disservice to the animals of this community to attempt to provide animal control for the amount proposed by the city. Consequently, we will not submit a proposal to perform animal control services for 2011 as invited to by the City.
I want to thank all of you for your support during the budget process. It is because of your voice the New Orleans City Council added $200,000 to the Mayor’s proposed $1.5 million budget. But, after careful analysis, the funding is significantly less than we needed to continue. It is irresponsible of us as animal welfare advocates to reduce the level of services and quality of care that our citizens and animals expect and deserve in order to work within that allocation.
The mission of the Louisiana SPCA has always been, and will continue to be, advocating for the welfare of animals in this region. The LA/SPCA will continue to provide emergency services through December 31, 2010 when the current animal control contract expires.
In 2011, the Louisiana SPCA will take this opportunity to focus more on our humane mission and programs such as cruelty investigations, humane education, disaster preparedness, spay/neuter and adoptions. As always, we remain committed to the people and animals of New Orleans and our region. We will continue to keep you updated as we move forward.
Ana Zorrilla
Chief Executive Officer
The Louisiana Society for the Protection of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) decided not to submit its proposal for the city’s $1.7 million animal control contract for 2011, ending its 60-year partnership with the city.
“After consideration, the board decided it would be a disservice to the citizens and animals of Orleans Parish,” says SPCA communications director Katherine LeBlanc, who added that the $1.7 million would not sufficiently provide for the city’s animals in need, and the organization feels the city is able to create an alternative. “We can’t do it for $1.7 million, but someone can,” she says.
The SPCA has worked to improve the lives of animals and eliminate animal homelessness, neglect and abuse in New Orleans and surrounding areas since 1888. Though it’s ending its animal control contract with the city, the organization will continue other services like its outreach programs and mobile clinics, though it still isn’t sure what its budget will look like for 2011.
“Our central mission is advancing the welfare of the animals in this region,” said SPCA board president Sally Knight in a Dec. 15 statement “While we have a great sense of accomplishment and pride in the services we have provided the city over the past 60 years, we could not responsibly continue to perform animal control at the proposed amount.”
On Dec. 1, Ana Zorrilla, president and CEO of the SPCA, announced, “We were pleased to see that New Orleans City Council recognized the need for more funding for animal control services. While it is not the entire amount we proposed we are committed to providing animal control to the city of New Orleans and we will be working with the city to determine what services we can provide for $1.7 million.”
The organization was scheduled to submit a budget proposal to Mayor Mitch Landrieu by Friday, Dec. 17. Board members met Dec. 15 to assemble the proposal within the $1.7 million budget, but instead declined to move forward with a budget plan and end its animal control contract with the city. Landrieu press secretary Ryan Berni says the mayor's office was unaware of the SPCA's plans to withdraw.
The SPCA needs an operating budget of $4.5 million for a full year’s worth of services, including animal control (which accounts for $3 million of the budget), according to Zorrilla. In past years, the SPCA has been forced to cut services before the year’s end, resulting in NOPD’s absorption of emergency animal control services.
The money ran out Oct. 1, 2010, based on a contract arranged in former Mayor Ray Nagin’s administration. A similar contract for 2009 ended Nov. 30, 2009, and the SPCA’s services didn’t resume until the following year. The current contract expires Dec. 31, 2010.
For the first time in 60 years, the Louisiana SPCA next year will not provide animal-control services in New Orleans, an agency spokesman has said.
The organization's board decided during a meeting Wednesday not to renew its contract with the city because it cannot provide humane services for $1.7 million, the sum the New Orleans City Council allocated in the 2011 budget, spokesman Katherine LeBlanc said.
The figure includes $200,000 that was added by the council to the sum Mayor Mitch Landrieu's administration had earmarked for the service.
Louisiana SPCA officials had requested $3 million next year to continue their work for City Hall but would have settled for $2.5 million, LeBlanc said.
Deputy Chief Administrative Officer Ann Duplessis recently told Louisiana SPCA officials that the city has found "another viable option" to provide animal-control services at the budgeted price, LeBlanc said.
"We were surprised to hear that somebody else would be able to do it at $1.7 million," LeBlanc said. "We twisted the numbers and turned the numbers and really tried to figure out how we could do it, and we couldn't."
Landrieu spokesman Ryan Berni, however, indicated that the city has not selected a new vendor.
"We remain confident that we will be able to execute a cooperative endeavor agreement with another animal control provider in the region to secure these critical services for our residents," he said in an e-mail message. "We are committed to providing good animal control services at a price the city can afford."
The Louisiana SPCA will continue its other work in New Orleans, she said, noting that the agency plans to keep a close eye on whether the city's new vendor lives up to its own standards for the humane treatment of animals.
JACKSON, La. (AP) -- East Feliciana Parish finally has a public-supported animal shelter and adoption center for the care of unwanted cats and dogs roaming the parish.
And the state now has another facility to temporarily shelter pets that could be displaced because of a natural disaster such as Hurricane Katrina.
The Pen Pals Inc. Dog and Cat Shelter and Adoption Center is open for business within the fences of Dixon Correctional Institute, a medium-security prison on La. 68 near Jackson.
The shelter and adoption facility is in a new building on the site where the old chapel used to be.
That chapel was torn down after a new chapel was built on the prison grounds.
The Humane Society of the United States gave the prison a $600,000 grant to build the new facility, which has room for 52 dogs in its adoption center.
A large, pavilion-style building a short distance away also has space for cages for displaced pets in an emergency.
Corrections Secretary James M. LeBlanc told visitors touring the facility Tuesday that the idea for the shelter might have originated from an incident in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
Corrections officers from around the state were involved in moving 10,000 prisoners from facilities in the New Orleans area when LeBlanc said he and then-Secretary Richard Stalder happened upon a puppy struggling to keep its head above water on a flooded interstate highway.
As the lower-ranking officer, LeBlanc joked that he knew he would have to leave the dry confines of their vehicle to rescue the puppy, which was eventually named "Evac" and now resides with a deputy corrections secretary.
Later, DCI took in about 200 dogs and cats to ease the load on the volunteers who were caring for rescued animals at the Lamar-Dixon Center in Gonzales.
"We learned a lot from that," said LeBlanc, who was then DCI's warden. "We also learned that the experience of caring for the animals changed our offender population."
DCI Deputy Warden Janet Lorena said a corporation, Pen Pals Inc., is applying to the Internal Revenue Service for nonprofit status that will make donations to the center tax-deductible.
"Once that happens, I think people will begin to give," Lorena said.
The center has about $89,000 remaining from the Humane Society grant that will enable it to operate through June without additional revenue, she said.
Corrections Col. John Smith, who heads the unit, said the center accepts dogs and cats from East Feliciana Parish only, with law enforcement agencies expected to be its main source of strays.
The LSU School of Veterinary Medicine is the third partner in the venture, with LSU veterinarians and students making regular visits to the facility to spay and neuter the animals and provide veterinary care.