Thursday, February 17, 2011

Put a fork in me...

Barb walks FAST... I am done!

Facebook post from ARNO...

Pickles a/k/a Jarhead gets new name to start new life!

So we’ve renamed Pickle’s a/k/a Jarhead because ARNO has had, and recently, a dog named Pickles. We like to give each dog his or her own name as often as possible so we thought that since there was no label on the jar, it could have easily been a jar of jalapeño peppers, so.....our new girl will be called Pepper. Mimi is scheduled to pick up our trap from St. John tomorrow, got a dog on a leash we are going to be using it on in Elmwood area, and she will look in on Pepper and we’ll let you know how she is doing.

Fist pumping - Jersey Shore style baby

I am out of the hospital y'all!

Sexy Max

Yelling out of his bedroom window at the "big dog".


Cookies time...

Best part of the walkin', walkin' walkin'!

Incident in Audubon Park (from Garden District Security)

Heads up y'all... (Sorry I can't fix the text wrap)
To Neighbors: Note below the first hand account of an incident
in the Park this week.   Please be cautious and aware of your surroundings.I was at Audubon Park, (which some of you know that I've been there at least 100 times, it's the park I'm always at in the afternoons) doing my walking yesterday.  I got there at 5:30, did one lap around and decided to do another even though it was getting dark. There are so many people there in the late afternoon that I've never worried about walking there in the dark.  I noticed that someone was following me so I turned around and saw black guy (mid 20's) behind me.  The strange thing about him was that he was walking fast but smoking which is odd for someone walking for exercise.  I said "hey, how are you?" and he seemed so nervous and he said "i'm fine, just walking".   But he seemed odd so I decided to switch my pace so that he would pass me.  But I noticed that he's keeping the same pace as me.  So I started walking faster and decided to walk towards the parking lot/bathroom area.  My only thought was that he might try to ask me for money.  So I went to the bathroom and came out of the stall.  And he came in the bathroom and shoved me against the wall. He kept telling me to look down and I wouldn't do it.  I just pushed him as hard as I could.  All of a sudden he stopped pushing me and just left the bathroom.  I walked out and called the police (i had my phone with me).  Four police cars showed up and I also reported it to the park security.   One of the police officers told me that a lady had been grabbed off of Maple Street and she described a guy similiar to this guy.   One of the police officers got my address and brought me a can of pepper spray today.  I've never carried mace before but I will from now on.  I filled out a report and told the officers that I would recognize him if I saw him.  Just want to prevent this from happening to anyone else.           +++++++++++++++Garden District Security District(504) 899-GDSD PATROL LINE (504) 525-7111  Dispatch(504) 525-7911  Office(504) 894-8926  

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Michael Vick BAILS on 'Oprah' Interview


Michael Vick BAILS on 'Oprah' Interview

Walked and ready for cookies!

My tail hurts...

My tail wrap is no fashion statement!

How cute are these 2?!

The littles playing at Buzi's house!

Poor Buzi...the littles can be a little much but we love um!

From Facebook - Update on Jar Head!



I received the phone call we have all been waiting for this morning....Pickles, a/k/a Jarhead was finally trapped. Linda with St. John said she is just a big puppy which we can see from the pictures and she is just scared right now. They will have to hold Pickles until 10 days from today because she bit Kathy but then she will be coming to ARNO to start a new life and we will keep you updated on her progress. Thank you all for an amazing team effort, again, to help one who clearly and desperately needed our help.

I love our city!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Reaching for a treat...

She made Pamela's day!

Meow Meow Mommy!

Oprah Interview with Michael Vick (2.24)

This should be interesting...

Oprah has announced that she'll be interviewing Michael Vick. The interview will be broadcast on an episode of her show to air Feb. 24....


From ARNO - Update on Jar Head!


So, as it turns out, Pickles is indeed a very beautiful and stunning dog! The long distance picture included in this album is the distance that Mimi and I saw her at the other day when we chased her in woods after the jar was removed. You can see why Mimi and I saw pit mix from distance.....and looking at her up close pictures you can now see the other breed, maybe lab? mix in her but there’s that pittie nose! Pickles is gorgeous, even more so now that she can sit up and be free and smell and hear and taste the world around her. Jerry, our contact out at St. John shelter is staying with this girl, he is not giving up, he is checking and resetting traps morning, afternoon and night and we will get this beautiful sun-kissed golden girl into ARNO! Kathy, thank you for giving up your Saturday and taking the brunt of Pickles’ fear, I suspect that she isn’t aggressive, more likely feral, just living in a rural section, eeking out a living and then traumatized with the jar on her head for a week and then chased...she thought she was prey, she thought she was a goner last Saturday, she had no clue we were there to save her.

Look at our new baby...

Sha bebe!
We love new babies...