Hi y’all. Summer is almost here. YAY! Hope y’all are gettin’ your fair share of froggie catchins’! I am! GIMME GIMME! I am great. BIGGEST week yet!
I am 8 almost 9 weeks old. I know lots ‘bouts lots. I am wise beyond my puppy weeks. I can go up the stairs, down the stairs, under the stairs, through the stairs and I can chew the stairs. I drink out of the big dog water bowl (HA HA - take that big dogs). I chase and chew ERYTHING.
I am a one puppy “froggie assasininin’’” ma-ch-ine. I am a puppy God! Even my brothers think so.
Toulouse and Kesey chase me around and bark at me! They curl their lips and make very low strange sounding noises. They are singing my praises, of course. Sometimes, they even jump up and nip as I walk by. It MUST be to say “All hale King Satchmo”. Mom keeps saying “Toulouse is going to be sainted for the P – U – P – P – Y”. I cannot spell and I don’t know what the word sainted means but… I am pretty sure she is saying “I am an important pooch and Toulouse knows it”. In return for the praise, I nibble (she will tell you bite the crap out of) her hands. I want her to know “How very smart she is” cause she knows how great I am.
For those of you who keep asking “if I am still 1 ear” – yes, yes I am. And proud of it people!
Truth be told, my 1 ear has grown so much - it is about to tip back over in the other direction. It’s not sure if it is a comin’ or a goin’.
No matter because…
I am still
Satchmo the frog assassin!
Puppy kisses,
PS - Mom says “I won’t be so precocious next update” – whatever that means…. All hale King Satchmo!!!
PPS - You don’t think the big dogs are actually upset when I pile drive off the couch, legs flying, mouth open and then *CHOMP*. Do you? No, no of course not. They are definitely singing my praises and not “growling”, right????
PPS – I had a puppy play date with a gorgeous long legged rock stars daughter yesterday! She wants to do it again soon. YAY! Told y’all I was a puppy God!