Saturday, October 19, 2019

They tell you not to cry.
They tell you that it's just a dog, not a human being.
They tell you that the pain will be over.
They tell you that the animals don't know that they have to die.
They tell you that it's important not to let him suffer.
They tell you that you can have another one.
They tell you it's going to happen to you.
They tell you that there is more pain.
But they don't know how many times you've looked into your dog’s eyes.
They don't know how many times you and your dog have looked into darkness alone.
They don't know how many times your dog was the only one who was by your side.
They don't know how much fear you have
at night when you wake up with your grief.
They don't know how many times your dog slept near you.
They don't know how much you've changed since the dog has become a part of your life.
They don't know how many times you hugged him when he was sick.
They don't know how many times you've acted like you didn't see her hair getting whiter.
They don't know how many times you've talked to your dog, the only one who really hears.
They don't know that it was just your dog who knew you were in pain.
They don't know what it feels like to see your old dog trying to say hello.
They don't know that if things went wrong, the only one who didn't go is your dog.
They don't know that your dog trusts you every moment of his life, even in the last.
They don't know how much your dog loved you and how it is enough for him to be happy, because you loved him.
They don't know that crying for a dog is one of the most noble, significant, true, clean and warmest things you can do.
They don't know when the last time you moved him with trouble... made sure it didn’t hurt him.
They don't know what it felt like to pet their face in the last moments of their life....
In Memory of all those who went over the bridge bridge. You all have a place forever in our hearts 💕

- author unfortunately unknown

Sleep with the angels sweet boy...

Friday, October 18, 2019

Sweet Sam

Sweet boy... you sure were one of a kind. We love you and we know you had a wonderful life full of love, adventures, treats and cuddles. We will all miss you. Stay close sweet boy and know you touched all of our lives. 


Is a horrible day for our team and two of our families. 

I wish our babies could stay with us longer... 

Cuddles yours while you can. 
