Email from one of our wonderful clients....
Hi Nicole,
I wanted to email you and tell you that we have moved to
Dallas. We had to relocate for J job. We are really sad to
leave New Orleans, but trying to make the best of it. We have had our
house up for sale for little while and I think I was in denial somehow hopping
that maybe if it did not sell we would not move. Well, the sale closed
last week and we are official no longer tied to New Orleans. H and
F are very upset and not liking it in Dallas. They have lived at
E their whole lives and are having a hard time adjusting to Dallas. I
wanted to tell you, we love love New Orleans Pet Care and all your wonderful
employees. No one will ever be able to replace Pamela (F has told
me many times). We have tried a pet care service in Dallas and so far it
has been below mediocre. No nice notes, no cute picture on the blogs, and
no kisses and cuddles from Pamela. I have a very hard time leaving the
boys at all, because I feel sad for them when I am away. They don’t get
any real attention or love, just some food dumped in their bowl and it shows.
Well, I could go on forever, but we miss New Orleans Pet Care beyond
words. You have truly built a unique and caring business, beyond any
other. You have an amazing group of people that really do fill the place
of parents when they can’t be with their pets. Please tell Pamela the
boys are heartbroken without her and we appreciate all the love she has given
them in our absence over the years. F asked if I could drive to New
Orleans and drop him off at P house next time I need to leave
I am going to try and keep looking for a new service here, but
really hard to find people that are good with cats, especially shy ones like
ours. I do hope one day that we will move back to New Orleans and back
with New Orleans Pet Care. I sure hope when we come back Pamela is still with
you too! My husband and I love the city so much, but work opportunities
seems to take us away.
Thank you for everything,
P.S. I still look at the blog as least once a week, sometimes
more! I just love the pictures and captions. It is always a picks
me up on a bad day.