Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Ascension Parish house…

Our neighborhood lines runs through 37 miles of swamp… Patience is a virtue. Not in my top 10 but I am working on it. 

To whoever you choose… ask to keep them protected. 

Shout out to Michelle…

She is capturing all of the peak Nola moments… 

Jefferson & Prytania 

Where you been lady?

The very good girl award goes to this one!

Was a superstar evacuation pup! 

If the wind blows this house on Octavia..

Is gone! 

Wait - it is actually day 11.


New stuff to mark!

Peak Nola

Day 10…

Still no power! 😳

Monday, September 6, 2021


Michelle has power and is heading home to help!  🌀

Latest update from Ascension Parish…

For my neighborhood… 

3 weeks 😬

Happy Labrador Day... AKA - Day 8

I hope this finds everyone safe and cool! I am coming in tomorrow to take care of some babies that need us. If you need us, please text me and I will be there! 

None of my team have power yet. Still waiting and I would rather them away, safe and comfortable. I can handle what needs to be handled. 

Progress is being made in NOLA but it is a slow process and if you are not here, I think it is best just to stay away.

Our country house neighborhood is in a big mess. (Like thousands of other people!) We get our power from the Reserve, LA feeder and it literally runs through the swamp. Most of the swamp equipment is in and around Houma and that substation was destroyed... so we are in it for some time. But that is ok! 

Gas lines are improving and I can stay in NOLA need be. It is just easier for Isabelle to be on one floor and is much more comfortable for her here. So - I am going to do what is best for her. 

Again, reach out if you need me... I know most of you are all away or working from home but I am here.

We miss y'all! I do appreciate everyone reaching out. 

Oy vey

So this is cute…