Dear Garden Distirct Neighbors:
Today, the Sixth Distirct NOPD reported two armed robbery attempts in the Garden Distirct. Both occurred near 8 am this morning. The first on 2nd and Coliseum, the second on 4th and Coliseum. The GDSD patrol assisted NOPD in searching for the perpetrator(s). There are no know leads on the case at this time. Below are excerpts from the reports from Capt Bardy of the NOPD:
At about 7:45 a.m. the victim, was walking in a north bound direction on Second Street from Magazine Street. As the victim was crossing the intersection of Second and Coliseum Streets she was approached by an unknown black male who was traveling in a downtown direction on Coliseum Street. The unknown black male produced a long firearm from his front waistband, pointed it at the victim, and stated: “Give me your purse!” She began screaming for help and ran to her place of employment where she notified the police. The perpetrator fled on foot in a south bound direction on Second Street and then made a right onto Chestnut Street and then unknown.
The victim described the perpetrator as a black male, approximately 5’ tall, weighing approximately 150 pounds, appeared to be in his early 20’s, and having a short hairstyle. The perpetrator was attired in a black baseball cap, a short sleeve black shirt, and blue jeans.
The second victim was walking his dog in a downtown direction on Coliseum Street. Once the victim was at the intersection of Fourth and Coliseum Streets he was approached by an unknown black male who was traveling on foot in an uptown direction on Coliseum Street. The black male zipped down a black long sleeve wind breaker to expose a long weapon in his waistband and stated: “Empty your pockets!” The victim advised the perpetrator he didn’t have any pockets to the gym shorts he was wearing, then removed a set of keys he had in the pocket of his hoodie and held his hands up to show the perpetrator he didn’t have any property. The perpetrator then patted the victim down. The perpetrator then advised the victim to turn around and walk in an uptown direction on Coliseum. The perpetrator then fled the location on foot in a downtown direction on Coliseum towards Jackson Avenue and then unknown. The victim relocated back to his residence to notify the police.
He described the perpetrator as a black male having a brown skin complexion, in between 5’8”- 5’10” tall, weighing approximately 170 pounds, having a short hair style, clean shaven, appeared to be in between his late 20’s to early 30’s, and had a mole under his right eye. The perpetrator was attired in a plain black long sleeve wind breaker, dark blue jeans, and a black “Pirates” baseball hat with a gold stitched “P” on the front. The perpetrator was wearing a shirt underneath the jacket but the victim was unable to recall the color. He described the weapon as long with a metallic barrel and a brown stock.