Saturday, January 8, 2011

From Facebook
Is ever so thankful that this devastating fire a block from my home was brought under control by the courageous NOFD and for great friends and an awesome pet sitter that were there and on the phone with me reassuring me my babies were safe.
Friday, January 7, 2011
This was posted on Facebook...
Bark Bits
HAPPY NEW YEAR: Happy New Year to all NOLA City Barkers! As we enter our second calendar year of operation, please remember that all permits will expire on January 31, and the entry cards of permits that have not been renewed will be deactivated. The permit fee is the same as last year, $35 for up to 3 dogs from your household...what a bargain!
It's easy to RENEW. Just print out the registration form from our website, www.nolacitybark.org. complete it, making sure all information is legible and up to date and mail it with your check(payable to City Park/dog park) or credit card information to 1 Palm Dr., NOLA 70124. Your card will remain activated.
And speaking of that address, we have finally moved to the new building on Palm Drive, behind the practice track, close to the railroad tracks off Marconi Dr. So don't look for the dog park office in the trailer by Storyland because "it ain't dere no more!" |
REMINDERS: FOOD* Please remember that no food, either human or canine, is allowed inside the dog park. Some people have been using training treats with their pets on the agility equipment. With so many dogs around, any food may become an issue that triggers an aggressive incident. Also, and just as important, many dogs have food allergies and sensitivities. Food that is just a welcome treat to your dog could trigger a severe allergic reaction in another dog. Be considerate of the health of other peoples' pets. Within the dog park, use only praise as a reward to your dog for a job well done.
LEASHES* Dogs must be on-leash when entering or leaving the dog park. Leashes should be removed only within the howdy gates. Off-leash dogs outside the park can become a problem as they approach on-leash dogs. Your off-leash dog is also at risk of injury with all the cars coming and going from the area. It is a city ordinance that dogs must be on-leash, except within the fence of NOLA City Bark, the only official off-leash area in Orleans Parish.
MAINTENANCE* The dog park is closed for maintenance every Tuesday until 1PM. Your entry card will not work on Tuesday until 1PM, and even if the gate is open with maintenance workers coming and going, you should not enter the dog park. Tuesday mornings are used for grounds maintenance, insecticide application, repairs, and general cleaning. Gates are not secured then, therefore your dog is not in a completely fenced area; also chemicals or equipment might be in use that is hazardous to your pet. The maintenance crews need to be able to get their jobs done without interruption from dogs and visitors. Please visit after 1PM on Tuesday. |
COMPASSIONATE CANINE: Narah Cano wrote in to tell us about a big hearted black lab that was more compassionate than competitive. He was in the large dog area and became interested in playing with a tiny tsi'zhu across the fence in the small dog area. They were enjoying playing together alongside the fence, and the lab began running. As the smaller dog tried to "race" to catch up, the lab slowed down and let her win. We can all learn so much about how we should live from our dogs!
Thursday, January 6, 2011
We just added our first baby to our baby pile...
I am with Mitch..."When you hear that, if you are from here....your soul starts to stir, and you start to wonder how it is that you live in a place where celebrating the joy of life never, ever, ever stops" .....Mitch Landrieu.
Jazz & Gris-Gris @ Boom Boom Room
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Ever Wish You Could Clone Your Dog?