Last night he decided to help himself to some mixed nuts... Now, the way we punish the babies is simple... we punish to a crate. Depending on the level of the crime, we decide the time. 20 minutes is Orleans Parish Prison (OPP), 45 - 60 minutes is Angola and 60 minutes until I calm down is Shawshank.
Mixed nuts = OPP... he hated it!
This morning he helped himself to a sweet roll. Sweet roll = Angola. He had just returned from a 60 minute swim so he went to sleep the minute I put him in.
I just put a bowl of pineapple on the counter, walked to the front to turn off the lights, walked back into the kitchen to find the pineapple gone and Henri jumping off of the counter.
You can send letters to Henri Douget @ Shawshank prisoner #00001.
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