Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Mario update from Angela... She is an angel!

Mario update: Mario is doing well, but he knows something is "wrong". He's eating well & playing well, but seems to be fearful of strangers, which according to his neighbor to totally out of character. A gentleman met w/him yesterday & despite Mario's nervous barking at him and untrusting demeanor, Jay is interested in meeting w/him a few more times over the next few days. The car ride to the vet was great. I have a tiny car & Mario is 111 lbs! He
was mostly laying down, but at one point got up & insisted I hold his paw. Mario was glued to my side at the vet clinic & showed more of that fear barking, but we were able to complete all his vaccinations & he is heartworm negative. Let's say, it was a very tearful experience for me. I care DEEPLY for this dog. Next step is microchipping.

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