Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving reflections...

  1. Henri can and when given the opportunity will eat an entire box of Triscuits in about 30 seconds.  I will  never be faster than Henri.
  2. NEVER have your 6 year old great niece the Sunday - Thursday of Thanksgiving week.  I love her but her "help" is just not the "help" I really need during a holiday. 
  3. NEVER schedule your husbands surgery the Friday following Thanksgiving.  
  4. If you have cameras in your home and you watch your dogs while you are gone and you do not have the opportunity to yell at them... why watch?  I did yell at them when I got home. 
  5. I am "getting sued" by a lady who wanted us to start seeing her cats 7 days after they left on holiday.  She only wanted us one day every 14 days "to clean the litter box, fill the bath tubs and open more food bags".  She ended with "don't you know my husband is one of the biggest lawyers in New Orleans?".  I can't WAIT to hear from him... You think I will?  Yes - I did drive by to see her house.  I admit it.  
  6. Bradley got bit really hard by a bird and my first reaction was to laugh.  Does that make me horrible?  It never bites Marisa and Pamela! 
  7. Never ever have your client returns piled on the main kitchen counter when you are using said counter to cook for your sick husband.  It takes them a long time to dry. 
  8. No matter how long she has been gone... I will always miss Jessica.
  9. No matter how much we try - Isabelle will always be smarter than anyone in this house. 
  10. I have a dream team... 
  11. It sounds stupid but I really, really consider our clients our family and love y'all.  Well - okay not necessarily y'all but all of your babies.   We treat them like we would want you to treat ours and we take this very seriously.  
Thank y'all so much for your support over the years.  To our new clients welcome to the family.  To those that we have had forever - we appreciate you and to those that just visit the blog to read... thank you.  I always enjoy seeing the number that visits each day.  

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