Saturday, June 22, 2013

Facebook Feedback

We can't thank y'all enough for your kind words and concern.  Nothing scares me more than having my team and clients attacked and believe it or not, it happens a lot more than it should.  Only once this bad and thank goodness in this situation the client did not get hurt.  The last time it happened, I pushed it so far that it ended up before a Judge and he (owner of the dog that attacked) did some jail time for an open warrant.  I don't play.... AT ALL.  

You may not be able to read Barb's notes today. Bless Barb... when I tell you my Team will do anything to protect your babies... it is an understatement.

New Orleans Pet Care: Barb and a client - viciously attacked

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·          Oh no!!! That is one of my biggest fears when I walk my dogs. Barb is so brave! I am not sure what I would do with my three if that happened.
·         Wow! She's a hero-ine! You and your team are indeed awesome! I don't walk my dog around our neighborhood for this exact reason. I am always so scared a big dog will come out of nowhere!
·          Awe so sad!! Nicole you honestly have a wonderful team!! Sending Barb a hug from me and Tuffy!
·         Oh no!!! Sending hugs and prayers to Barb! What a brave thing she did- glad to know someone this loving and selfless watches over my baby. If she needs to take the day off please tell her Billie will be fine and sends tons of puppy hugs!
·          Cali and I wish Barb a speedy recovery and thank the NOLA petcare team for their amazing care. You guys ROCK!
·         Wow, what a story! Barb's a hero. Buzz and I were attacked once. It's so frightening and there should be repercussions
·          I hope Barb feels better real soon! I'm so sad over this.
21 hours ago · Like · 1
·          Thank you Barb for all you do for our babies
·         Unbelievable!! I'm so sorry this happened to Barb!
·          Owners like that should spend some time in the Bastille when this happens
·          What an incredibly brave thing Barb did. I'm so glad she was able to walk away without needing major surgery. Bless you all for everything you do!
·         Oh no! Get well soon Barb, and thank you for what you do!
·         That is awesome, albeit not unexpected, that Barb would do that. Nicholasand I wish her a speedy recovery!!!
·          Barb rocks! You have the most amazing staff Nicole! I know all of my clients love them!
·          I'm so glad Barb's injuries aren't worse. I am terrified of this very thing. We see many dogs off-leash in the Marigny  It's best to stay on "busier" streets like Esplanade. The side streets are always a concern.
14 hours ago · Like

Nicole Douget Thanks so much y'all. She will be fine but it will require Ortho attention. It makes me SO MAD when people are so inconsiderate and careless. I posted more about the story on the blog. One more thing - I have Animal Control and Jeff Dorson on speed dial. If you know of someone who is not doing the right thing (letting dogs roam off leash, leaving outside in the heat unattended, etc) and you do not want to report it - we will gladly document it and take care of it for you so that you no not have to be involved. Again, thanks for your support... she said she was happy that she wore her Super Woman underwear that day!

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