Monday, October 21, 2013

It is not rocket science... It is just brain surgery. ~ 11.6 ~ not today!

I have been very open about the challenges that I have had this year…  To say it has been a rough, emotional, stressful, shocking, perhaps a little painful, busy, yet comical year... would be an understatement.   

Before I say anything else… I am blessed and my life is so much better than so many people that I know who are dealing with far worse than I am!  

I have had very mixed feelings about posting this because my fear is that those of you that have trusted us for all of these years would feel uncomfortable during this time.  With that – I know in my heart of hearts that you are the ones that know my absence will go unnoticed.   Administratively nothing will change... same train - same track!  A minor day of adjustment that only a few of you will even notice.  (Bradley vs. 289.6355 communication)

I also fear that from a new client perspective that they will not want to do business with us and that bothers me so much.  I have never wanted to be the biggest service in the city… just the best.  Anything less than that would be devastating to me.  So please give us an opportunity to show you that “best business”.  (Thank you Siri and if you hesitate please read these! See those testimonials to the left?!)

So – for those of you that do not know… I have to have brain surgery.   It is a benign tumor on the lining of my brain. With that... it is not rocket science and if you have to have brain surgery... this is the kind to have!

(Blogger is fighting with me and suddenly formatted the paragraphs in all caps.  I am not yelling - swear)

Let me step back a bit…  On March 17th I was walking my babies and this happened.  The other thing I discovered after that post was that I had a torn rotator cuff and that had to be repaired too. I had surgery and we did not miss a beat!  My Team ran the business and did an amazing job doing so.  The rehab was a little more than I anticipated.  In the midst of all of that, my house was being remodeled and while the Physical Therapists were lovely people – I hated it and had days I was sure I was going to be brought up on Assault Charges and taken to OPP.   After the first MRI, I kept having more seizures and now I just want to have it taken out (out/treatment is not an option now) because some fluid is building around it. I am ready to go because I am ready for the seizures to go away.  Although - with the exception of one and thanks to Henri I had a feeling they were about to happen.  Some have been more severe than others.    

My surgery is scheduled on 11.6 and we have already made preparations to be ready for my absence.  I will detail that as it gets closer.  I know that my Team has my back and I know that I will be just fine.  It is important for me to say that two of my clients are Neurologists and we see their babies twice a day five days a week, and she has been a life saver to me.  One of the Doctors in her practice is doing my surgery and having her and another Doctor (again a client) that works in another critical department has assembled a portion of the surgical team (with my permission) to be part of my day.  I can’t tell you how at peace I am with this procedure.  I am just going to approach this as a HUGE nap. 

As things get closer I will detail how our Administration process will adjust slightly on the day of (but not at all be ignored) and for the week and again - make no mistake... my Team and my support system are all in place because nothing is more important to me than all of you.  I am so sincere... when I say you are my family.  When I say... thank you for sharing your babies with us... I mean it.  

You know how I say for every Plan A we have a B.  In this case a Plan A,B,C,D,E,F&G.  It will all be taken care of and I can promise... we will not miss a beat.  


Side note... I sent a group text to my Team with the photo of my brain that said "see y'all I have a brain."  Barb sent the group text back with "totally photoshopped". They love me.  

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