Saturday, June 14, 2008

Mad-dog and 22

M and T having a break after their walk...

I get plenty of entertainment from these two!  

Walkin' Walkin' Walkin'

Walkin’ Walkin’ Walkin’
Team meet parent(s)… Parent(s) meet the team…

Saturday, June 28, 2008
6:30 PM

Audubon Park
Between the Picnic Pavillion & Stables
(see map link)

Please R.S.V.P via email
Critical… need to determine water, champagne and orange juice needed!

If you can’t join us this time, we will have another in July/August. When it is really hot!


I am so totally in charge of New Orleans Pet Care Headquarters today. I am only barking when someone answers the telephone. Max and I are using the sofa as a race track and I am just worn out but do not want to miss anything. I am cute and thank goodness on holiday! Who needs the beach...

Friday, June 13, 2008

Our sweet Magnolia

There is no way I am returning your call… All we need is both of us crying on the phone.

I had no idea what New Orleans Pet Care… post Katrina life would look like. I remember writing daily schedules on post-it notes for each of my team members.

We were thrilled when we got our little Magnolia…

I cannot thank you enough for supporting this company that means so very much to me... For being there for me when we needed you most. It was that small(very few) group of you that kept me going... kept my team at Tulane and made our new "normal"... well, "normal". Although often discussed... throwing in the towel was just not an option becuase of that "small few".
Thank you, thank you, thank you. Dr. Rich (you hate when we called you that!) and Magnolia’s Nurse Mom… Rich - you must be an amazing Cardiologist! Thank you both for always calling to check on Remy and I. Dr. Rich, thank you for making sure my heart was always well taken care of when my mind was not fully engaged or capable of thinking past Remy. Always feeling like I could pick up the phone was a great comfort.

I am so sorry that you are leaving us but I expect as all good New Orleans natives do… we will see you when you get back home. Much love… I will buy the first round of adult beverages and key lime pie when you get back! Take care of our sweet Magnolia. Oh yea - please don't have another baby until you get back. We had so much fun decorating the house!

Ok... I have received this from four clients in two days...

So, I wanted to use this form to support efforts...

In case you haven't heard, the lighthouse on Lake Pontchartrain is underconsideration for restoration, but it needs our help. I'm hoping you will take a sec, (and it only takes a sec) to help out. Our lighthouse on Lake Pontchartrain in New Orleans was destroyed by Katrina. Built in the 1890s,the lighthouse has been a lakefront landmark for years, guiding boats in andout of the Orleans Marina and the Municipal Yacht Harbor. Some of the original materials were salvaged and they're trying to rebuild it but of course it takes money the city doesn't have right now. There is a company that restores lighthouses and has a contest going onright now to donate new windows and doors for a lighthouse in need of restoration, and the Canal lighthouse is on the list! PLEASE help out and vote for New Orleans!!

Friday the 13th?

Dear Mom: Sawyer is just saying... First time! Should we look for salt? Much love from your baby... Hope you are having a wonderful time.

Waiting for you... but love our visits!

We are getting plenty of walk time on the bayou with Sawyer! I think they may miss Jessica's cats... We may need to ask for visitation rights!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Bailey and Devin....again

Yes, I'm sure you guys are probably tired of hearing this little nephew is freakin' adorable! Here he is again with his puppy Bailey. I think she's his little watchdog. She has to be everywhere he is, too cute.

A St. Bernard Rescue

Everyone loves me. My mother calls me "devil dog"... Jessica totally disagrees... most of the time. They do not understand that I have a very high I.Q. and think that I am the only dog in the world.
My sister is teaching me to hate the Mailman... and in general, we don't like men.
Other than that... life is good!

We love our evening visits....

I get to lay down while I drink (something we try to stop...) while one supervises the neighborhood. Would hate to miss the opportunity to charge the gate!

I get so excited when I get photo texts from my team...

I get this one - the title... "I am SO hot".

She only has a few more to go... Thanks Sawyer! Now back to clients.

P.S. - Nicole Douget does not recommend that anyone takes photographs in the car while either parked or driving. EVER.


For some reason... we can't upload photos today and we have some really funny things that happened today.

Today, I hate technology!

La Destruction du Jour

What can I say?

I had to gather the remains... RIP Mini Pup and Colorful Donkey.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I swear they did it...Not me!

So, I walk into a certain client's house(puppy room!) and immediately spotted the destruction of D and L.  I just had to start recording the moment I saw it.......

Hi Mom! Like our decorating?
Later, I found out that someone's mom called about crate training.  For L's health and well-being, might be a good idea at this juncture.  Just a little something to think about.  

The "doodle" in me...

"Prohibits me for going outside but you go right ahead Brad!"

Unable to tap the “Lab” side of “doodle”… she opted for toy time rather than going out in the rain.

Xylitol Toxicosis

Please refer to "Mug Shot" post for back story!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Look mom I am a good patient

Worn out!

Some of our photographs are taken with cell phones... this one is a bit dark! I could not resist this one.

This was the before shot... I love when we have to wake them up for a walkin, walkin, walkin!

Who needs the beach?!

We are very happy at home! Sawyer gives cuddles to us everyday...

Sunday, June 8, 2008

We needed a vacation also...

Arrow is 16! Cane 14! Katsu... Two or three. 16 and 14... Needless to say they are all very well taken care of and such beautiful cuddle babies. Well, everyone but Katsu. Katsu would rather play "bet you can't catch me!".