Forgive my arm shaking (bad arm, long day)... I just saw this story on NBC Nightly News (yes - I should get a life). I started having seizures earlier this year and was diagnosed with a Meningionma. I am seriously fine but I am going to have it (them) removed. That is not what is not why I am blogging - With the exception of one seizure, Henri has told me about them. The first time I had one, the entire day, he was on top of me... my feet again and again, my lap, in the chair I sit in, followed into every room, pawed me, sat on my feet, sat in the chair next to me with his paws in my lap, sat in front of me and looked at me for long periods of time and would give up and lay on my feet. If you choose to watch the story - he is not trained either but trust the fact that I listen to him now and he has been spot on. They are so much more intuitive than we are.
I love you little boy!
I love you little boy!