Friday, May 2, 2014

Something is about to go down...

One of them is about to open the refrigerator.

Cut to the cookie part...

Tell them we walked woooooodddddya!?


If you lost your bra and your "toms" - today is your day.  Erin found them!

Beautiful day in my HUGE yard!

The great pleasure...

I had the great pleasure of meeting these 2 and Mom the other day walking in the Garden District.  They are amazing and Mom is so amazing too!  I don't get to walk my babies often anymore so it was such a great afternoon.  We are so lucky to have them in our family...

You got ca$h?

These ducks are going to be the death of me

So a plumbing company van is parked outside of the duck house.  I am guessing they left the gate open because it is impossible for the ducks to squeeze in/out.  I could have never walked away... I would have obsessed all day.  

Rescuing a duck with two 5 year old Labs is not an easy task so I had to keep the babies a good distance to gain duck trust.  ;) 

I was very scared that the duck was going to peck my eyes out or bite me.  We talked, made friends and I grabbed it!  

Now I am going to need some ducks on my farm because - I am... the duck whisperer. 

Amtrak Launches Pilot Program Allowing Dogs And Cats On Trains

This could be huge! Fingers and paws crossed that they move forward Nation wide!

Rescue dog, autistic child form bond that benefits them both

In case you missed this beautiful story...

Oh know...

They are figuring out the owl trick!

16 Treats You Should Make For Your Dog This Summer

These are fantastic!

Some baby photos...

Before we took them home...
Henri is in blue, Isabelle is across from him.

The no furniture rule lasted...  about 3 hours.
Max hated them.  

I treasured these moments most...

Happy 5th Birthday to my babies!

Isabelle went back to bed...  


Thursday, May 1, 2014


Sexy bangs!

Not sure what this face is?!

Hi Mommy!

She always wins!

Jazz Fest!

Jazz Fest Marketing positioning...


ermahgerd the stress...

April blog recap - top reads and shares...

Bless our hearts
Apr 10, 2014
I have no idea how this turned out.  I need some more research!

Apr 4, 2014
We still refuse!  As it turns out, it was not one but I still am not walking it!

Apr 28, 2014
Awww  this makes me happy!

It must have been a great Christmas

I am thrilled they let it geaux!

Vet Accused of Keeping Sickly Dog Alive to Harvest Its Blood


Sending love from NOLA!

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Toss it, toss it, toss it...

I learned this from Ms. Elizabeth...

Terminally ill man, on last visit to Jazz Fest, throws a wake for himself in New Orleans

Perfect, beautiful... this is why we live here - sort of day!

Official "Goof" of NOLAPC (We have plenty of Jr. Goof balls)

Mine, Mine, Mine, Mine!


School day!

Never gets old...

Must be Wednesday!