Saturday, July 31, 2010

Hi Mommy!

Someone is pouting for more cookies...

Jessica's party...

Thanks to MV for the great going away gift idea

I hate that the photograph is so dark... Jessica, Bradley and Sawyer are seated. Katie and Pamela standing. Derek is in New York so he did not get to join us...

It is not really a goodbye party... Jessica will always be part of our family.

We love you little girl! See you soon...

It is way early Bradley!

They wanted to sleep in...

Friday, July 30, 2010

Time for Jessica's going away party!


This child!

It is alive... but it just floats on its side...

How funny is that?!

Waking up for a MID day walkin' is hard...

Hi Mommy!

My other Mommy loves me too...

City Bark News - Our client, Gene is mentioned!

Woofs and Wags from NOLA City Bark

Please note that the agility equipment is not for humans. It would be appreciated if the person that tried to walk on the red climber in the small dog park would come forward and offer to repair or replace the equipment.

Bark Bits #11
AGILITY EQUIPMENT: Thank you to Gene and Steven Goldring for their donation of the agility equipment which is now installed in the small and large dog areas. Thank you also to the volunteers who helped with the set up.

We plan to invite an agility trainer to the dog park in the near future to meet with owners interested in learning more about canine agility training. Please remember safety tips when using the equipment. Never force your pet to do an activity that she does not want to attempt. If your dog has poor vision, arthritis, or other physical impairments, check with your veterinarian to see if agility activity is advised. The agility equipment is for dogs only! We know it looks like fun, but 2 legged animals are not allowed to play on the equipment.

If you want more information about agility training you can visit the Internet. Two possible websites are and

SPCA SHELTER CHALLENGE KICK-OFF EVENT: This coming Sunday, August 1, the LA-SPCA will hold its kick-off event for the Shelter Challenge to Save Lives. The event will take place from 4PM-8PM directly across the street from the dog park. The LA-SPCA is competing with 49 other shelters across the country to save at least 300 more animals during the months of August, September and October 2010 compared to the number of animals saved during the same three-month period in 2009. There are two prizes in the contest: $100,000 for the shelter that achieves the greatest increase in lives saved, and $25,000 for the shelter that engages the largest number of community members in saving lives. Dogs will be available for adoption on Sunday, but just as importantly, information will be available that tells how you can help the Louisiana shelter achieve their goal of 300 more adoptions in the stated time frame. The event is open to the public, so come on out and bring some friends.
In conjunction with this event, NOLA City Bark board members will be on hand to sell NOLA City Bark T-shirts, doggie shirts, bandanas, and other NOLA City Bark logo items.

PINCH COLLARS: Ann Becnel, of Ann Becnel Companion Dogs, LLC, reminds NOLA Bark pet owners that use of pinch collars in the dog park is against the rules and is extremely dangerous. "Pinch collars can easily be caught on another dog's collar which puts two dogs in a very dangerous situation where they are caught and cannot get apart. They become frightened and then attack each other. It is very difficult to get them separated."
Always remove pinch and choke collars from your pet when you are in the Howdy Gate area.

POOL PARTY: Two additional pools have been ordered for the Big dog park: a bone pool and a paw pool. Please do not remove the paw pool from the small dog park.

NEWSPAPER/TOWEL/PET FOOD COLLECTION: Last Sunday's drive for newspapers and towels for the shelter and food for pet owners in the lower parishes was a big success, in spite of threats from TS Bonnie. Thank you to all who helped at the collection site and to all who made donations. Thank you to Tina and Nancy from First NBC, who organized a drive among the First NBC branches and brought the collected donations to the dog park, and to Rachel who collected items to donate in memory of her dog, Murphy.

BARK BITS: If your friends are not receiving our email news, it is probably because their email is bouncing back (most universities and large businesses will not accept Constant Contact emails) or we have an incorrect email address. Please pass it on to them.

If there is an incident, please exchange
information with the owners of all dogs involved.
Many incidents can and should be avoided if you stay within voice control and view of your dog(s).

Woof! Woof!
used under licensing agreement

MAINTENANCE MAKE-UP DAY: In the event of a rain-out on Tuesdays which prevents grounds maintenance from mowing the grass, we will try to reschedule the mowing for the following Thursday; the dog park will be closed from 9am-11:30am on that day. If a temporary closure does become necessary for that or any other reason, we will send an email blast and will post notification in the message kiosk at the dog park. Be sure to check the message kiosk regularly for notices.

Rules Enforcement:
The dog park is self-policed and we count on you,the permit holders, to remind others that the rules are there to make the park a safe place for all to enjoy. Please don't be shy!

When reporting a violation, please give detailed information so that we can identify the parties involved. "It was a Big black dog" is not sufficient information.

Security Cards
If you have submitted an application and are receiving Bark Bits, it means your card is ready for pick up at the Friends of City Park office, M-F, 9-5 PM. Cards can be mailed in a bubble envelope for an additional $5. Call the number below.

Lost Cards:
Replacements can be purchased at the Friends of City Park trailer between 10AM and 2PM, M-F for $10. We will deactivate the missing card and issue you a new card and number.

This is your dog park-thanks for keeping it clean!

1 Palm Drive
NOLA 70124

Holy swollen Team Members

A spider got Sawyer!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010