Wolfie Levee Pavlovic Dangermond |
Found by a loving family on 01.19.09 - Passed on 01.09.10
Our client Tatjana Pavlovic asked me to pass this along... after watching the video and reading the web site, I wrote a check in memory of Wolfie. Can you help?
SUBJECT: NOGSR (New Orleans German Shepherd Rescue) run by Toby Burroughs
On March 15, Fargo, Toby Burroughs’ beloved dog, passed after he lost his battle with degenerative myelopathy.
Fargo was the catalyst for Toby to begin the New Orleans German Shepherd Rescue mission. What an amazing legacy! Because of Fargo, Toby has gone on to save and place over 600 German Shepherds in the New Orleans and surrounding area. Quite a feat!
Toby and Fargo’s NOGSR has made a profound impact on all of our lives as we have all benefited from a loving companion who came to us through them. As you already know, Toby not only brought these dogs into our lives, she continues to support us and the dogs through her advice, medical care, and her expertise about these wonderful and beautiful German Shepherds.
Watch the memorial video of Fargo:
In memory of Fargo, and the mission he inspired, we are asking you make a thoughtful contribution to a fund in his honor, the Fargo Fund. Our goal is to raise $5,000 to help Toby continue to rescue these amazing creatures and place them in the loving homes that they so deserve.
We have a date for Saturday, May 29th, on the New Orleans dog levee dog park (where Magazine and Leake or River Road meet), 10:00Am, for the Fargo memorial fund raising for Toby. It turns out she can't make it, but if we can, it would be a good time to take a photo of us with our shepherds and do some other planning to help Toby continue to save shepherds in our area. Please spread the word and other thoughts you may have about this event/get together.
If you would like to help NOGSR and to celebrate Fargo's legacy but you can not make it Saturday, you could also contribute directly through the NOGSR website - www.nogsr.org (please note on the website this donation is for the Fargo Fund to help us reach our goal). Or you could give the checks, made out to NOGSR, to those organizing this event, Tatiana Pavlovic, Maureen Shea, Ray Nichols or James Lancaster.
We have received contributions ranging from $25.00 to $ 1000.00. Any amount is WELCOMED and APPRECIATED. As Toby says on her website: “One person CAN make a difference!”
All contributions are TAX DEDUCTIBLE. Please see more detailed info on NOGSR website.
For any additional info please email Tatjana or Maureen:
Tatjana Pavlovic: tpavlov@tulane.edu
Maureen Shea: mshea@tulane.edu