Saturday, December 13, 2008

One year ago today...

Sawyer was leaving for Africa, it was a very hectic time at work (thank goodness I work from home) and we (New Orleans Pet Care) were very busy. Several of my team were in the middle of finals and/or papers due. The evening prior (12th) we had plans to take Jessica and Sawyer to dinner before Sawyer left. Remy was not feeling well that day and had a seizure in the early evening hour so Mike stayed home with him. When I got home from dinner... we ended up in the emergency room with more seizures. I decided to take Remy to see Dr. Cathrine the next day (13th) because he still did not look very good... I just had a bad feeling. Wow... was I right. Dr. Cathrine told me that he HAD to spend the night but just one night. She let me take him for awhile before I had to leave him. I drove to one of our favorite spots on the River Road between La Place and our family home in Gonzales. Our spot is a place we had gone many times... lots of trees, smells, and places to run. The photo was taken there... After lots of tears, some cuddles (Remy was not a fan of cuddles) I returned to La Place to drop him off. My life has never been the same... I go back to that spot when I need to reconnect with him and with myself. If you don't have a "spot" I highly recommend them... I miss him so much.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Put a fork in us!

We are done... I got a very interesting telephone call from a very frustrated pet owner who has been at work for 12 hours and her pet care provider "could not work today because of the weather". OH MY! I just can not imagine not being there... I guess we are blessed with a great team and a passion to take care of our responsibilities. Like our babies have any idea that we are dealing with snow, traffic, etc., etc.! They just need to TT! We had a great day... good night Paris, Chicago and beyond! Thank you team - New Orleans Pet Care... Sawyer, Jessica, Bradley, Marci and Sarah. Can you imagine?... taking off today... oh my!

Labs love snow!!!

Clearly there was no way I could just stay at work when it was SNOWING and there were TWO labs at home wanting to left :) Buzi and T played lots in the park!
T made a new girl friend named Bit...he was faster than her even in the snow!!
Buzi had dreams of being home in Massachusetts for the rest of the day :)

Luke loves it! Story... sort of!

What? What? What?

The babies...

Marci's scarf!

We could not pay someone to pay attention to us today!

He almost blends in!

Much colder on the Bayou!

This is so - not enough grass space!

Snow Update... I am no Willard Scott!

Well, it stopped snowing but it was fun while it lasted. It rained (sleet) for a bit but that is over now to. It is really cold. We are half way done with our day ( I am posting some photos on the blog and emailing others)... The streets of New Orleans are crazy but that never slows us down... Only one cancellation today so that means it is business as usual in the city... We are on time and walkin', walkin' walkin'!

Would not even walk on it!

Cute coat!

We totally remember this white stuff!

I am getting the heck out of here!

Serious qualms about this situation...


Snow update - This is amazing!


Good LORD!

Oki (likes warm weather)

Gigi playing out in the snow

Bradley trying to drive in Old Metairie

From my house! Can you see the flake?




Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Tripod turns TRIathlete

waiting for water!!! He's trying to be very patient!
Run T Run!
I love this shot. Shortly after, he jumped up and soaked me :)
"Guys, I swear I'm not tired yet. Where'd my water go?!?"
Ok, maybe I'm a little tired....T stayed in his chair, in this position for the rest of the night!

Well, maybe he's not a triathlete yet...he will have to master the bicycle first...but he has the running down and he is well on his way to the swimming part! Go T!! Here are the pictures from his first underwater treadmill session at Dag's house. He had a blast and made lots of new human AND canine friends while he was there!


A package came and I want Sawyer to open it!

Help make October 3, 2009 - National Animal Rescue Day

You know how important it is to promote animal rescue and adoption, especially in this economic crisis. Rescues and shelters in and near New Orleans are full of animals in need of loving homes. With our government bailing out Wall Street and the automakers, isn't there something Congress could do for our furry friends?

Ask your representative to support a National Animal Rescue Day!
Last fall, Rep. Robert E. Andrews (D-NJ) introduced a bill in Congress to designate the first Saturday in October as National Animal Rescue Day in order to "create awareness for animal rescue programs throughout the year, address the challenge of overpopulation through continued spaying and neutering of adopted pets, and bring Americans together as a Nation to support this common goal."

Help us make sure October 3, 2009 is National Animal Rescue Day - sign our petition to ask your representative to support this legislation to promote animal rescue and pet adoption today!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Haydel's Bakery Support

Haydel's Bakery Introduces the Mardi Gras Bead Dog™ to Support the Wonderful Animals at the Louisiana SPCA.

"Haydel’s Bakery has selected this deserving non-profit with a doggone lovable mission as their charitable organization of the year." We will receive proceeds from the sale of Haydel’s trademarked Mardi Gras Bead Dog™.

We got new babies!

They are way to excited to mug for the camera but needless to say... but I must... they are just precious.

Look who stood still!

Look at that smile!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Tres the circus dog...

It's amazing what others will let you get away with when you are a 3-legged lab! (Notice Buzi in the chair behind T and L...she had already wrestled for 45 mins, then L was tagged in!)

One of our clients sent a great newsletter from St. Francis Animal Sanctuary today. Anything we can do to help support this great organization!

Good Monday Morning!

Haley would not stand next to Sundance nor would Haley stay still!

Good Monday mornig mom & dad. 3 are better!