Friday, June 16, 2017

I love #Nola

Is it too early for Halloween decorations? Never.

Me trying to be patient…

I'm resting…

Pamela's little baby

I want this dog so badly…


Heads up to my traveling parents… We will keep a close eye!

Who is Joe? 

I have no idea how voice texting does not get "ya'll"!

This sweet Love…

Look Jo… We got another new baby!

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Monday, June 12, 2017

I hate that I missed this

Meanwhile in NOLA

So excited to see mommy…

This weather makes our days so difficult. It's heartbreaking to see all of the babies who have such Thunderfear!

She fell asleep like that…

Bad hair day

How our day is going…

This never gets old…

United Pet Group Voluntary Recalls Multiple Brands of Rawhide Chew Products for Dogs

Sending love to mommy… Don't worry my BFF is here!

Does it get better than this? It still makes me laugh…

Monday morning loves to mom…