Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year's Eve!

Dance like no one is watching...

One of our wonderful neighbors, Joey Bonhage... died on Christmas Day. He was such a wonderful friend to all of us who walk the streets of the Garden District with our babies... He will be missed. I remember one night before Remy died we were walking and stopped by Joey's to give Remy a rest. Joey realized how sick he was at that time and always gave him a slice of bread... Remy never turned down bread! As Remy was resting, we were watching the dinner guests arrive at Commanders and naturally we were commenting on whatever struck us interesting or absurd! He started to tell me the funniest story about (years ago) going to a luncheon and announcing his intention to be the Queen of Carnival! He always made me laugh... Tonight...he would want us all to dance like no one is watching... Rest sweet Joey... rest. We will miss you friend.

When routes collide!

Jessica ran into Marci and babies today.
It is so much fun when we actually run into each other!

Totally getting ready for the party...

Seriously... he is sleeping. Out, ZZZ,
Resting for the NYE party!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

We miss you Mommy!

Have a wonderful night!


She loves catnip!


Marcia sent this to me... and I wanted to share. How cute is she? "Your new baby Max reminded me how tiny Scarlet was when I got her. Bradley was comparing him to a sheet of paper. I've attached a photo of Scarlet sitting on our 12" kitchen floor tiles! She was about 11 weeks old in this photo and weighed less than 3lbs." I just love baby pictures!

Monday, December 29, 2008


This is our new little buddy, Max, with his sister, Chloe. HE IS SO TINY!!!!!!

Yes...yet another Max in our New Orleans Pet Care family :-)

Happy Birthday Sexy Max


How cute! They watch Sawyer leave...

Crazy, Crazy, Crazy... but I LOVE it!

It has been so crazy and we just love it! It was great fun waking up the babies on Christmas and giving them cuddles and kiss, kiss for y'all! I got to take some time on Saturday to take my great-niece to the zoo and to feed the ducks at the park. Little did I know, she was starving. I was a much better Remy's mommy than I am real person's mommy!

Our vacation...

Hi Mommy!


My brother broke camp and was flying all over the house!
Not I... right here waiting for my breakfast.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Baby C...

Is protecting her baby brother. She has only had him for four days but already loves him. We LOVE when we get new babies!

This can't be comfortable!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Simon (clepto) can't be trusted!!

Silly goose. Looking for money in Jessica's purse? Gum? Treats?
Just looking!

Bradley makes me happy!

We went for a nice long run and I went back to bed before Bradley left! Vacations are wonderful. I love you Dr. Mom, DVM!

What can you say?

Dang... he is so cute!

Baby M

M getting a belly rub!
Sending love from New Orleans to California...

Christmas Day...

was lovely! It was foggy and warm here in New Orleans. Overall, it was a great day. Needless to say... Jessica and Sawyer are especially tired but got some well needed rest last night. We sure appreciate all of you!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Monday, December 22, 2008


Dori got a present...I think she likes it! :-)

Play Time!!!!!!

This is Ruby and Satchmo....they love to play!!!!

Caroling babies!

We ran into two of our Quarter residents having dinner (and by that I mean watching mommy eat her dinner) before caroling. How cute are these two?

Caroling in Jackson Square

It was chilly but we had a great time... This is Sawyer and Bradley outside the park before it started... This video is...a mess but, we had fun!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Good Saturday Morning!

This is J's totally serious... "give me that cookie in your hand" face! They were not lovin' the Snowman yard ornament in the neighborhood this morning. They wanted to "have" it. Our harsh winder weather (61 degrees) is making our walkin', walkin', walkin' very enjoyable!

Cookies Dance!

After they danced with Sawyer for cookies they decided to pose!


Is in charge of all things horticultural at La Maison Buzi... including but not limited to - sitting on them, batting them, smacking them, etc. This is his "what you lookin' at?" face.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Holiday Shopping made better when you can bring your baby!

Arts Market of New Orleans
Saturday, December 20 & Sunday, December 21
10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Palmer Park
S. Carrollton & S. Claiborne Avenue(s)
Free and open to the public!

Discover a vibrant market brimming with exciting pieces from the region’s best artisans. From paintings, photography, ceramics, glasswork, jewelry, woodwork and printmaking to handcrafted clothing, soap and candles, the Arts Market truly offers something for every person and every budget. Plus live music, food and drink from your favorite local restaurants, and exciting and educational kid's activities.

This month is a two day holiday extravaganza! Along with your favorite market artists showing on both days, Sunday will feature the debut of new Arts Market artists, along with your favorites. In total, over 160 artists showing over two days. More details... Continued

(Jessica intoduced me to this photographer... love it! It looks like they will be there this weekend... )

Caroling in the Square...

Remy - Christmas Day - 2004
(looks thrilled right?)
Remy and I loved going caroling every year in Jackson Square. I am thrilled that we went in 2004 but that would turn out the be the last one we got to attend. It was cancelled in 2005 and in 2006 I was traveling and missed it. We did not go last year because he was in really bad shape after surgery. Caroling in the square is a wonderful memory. You can't actually go inside the park (with your babies... no dogs allowed. What is up with that?) but you can hang out in Jackson Square with all of the other owners and babies. It is a 62 year old tradition in New Orleans and you bet I will be there with my song sheet and candle... singing at the top of my lungs! But first, I will walk around and kiss as many babies as I can!
Hope to see you there...
Sunday - 12.21.08
Jackson Square
6pm - 7pm

Somebody woke somebody up...

And he went right back to sleep... He is enjoying his holiday away from mommy!

Catch me Sawyer!

Just try!

Ooops... she did it again!

She is thinking:
A.) I got in without the gate falling... how do I get out?
B.) I wonder if I am in trouble...
C.) I wonder if my gram is making my breakfast right now...
D.) I wonder if my mom will think this is cute...
E.) I wish she would take the gate down so it is easier for me to eat cat food...
F.) All of the above.
Gigi - you goof!

Monday, December 15, 2008

They all sat still?!

How did that happen? We have the pleasure of spending many a day each week with this beautiful family. Everyone here has asked the same question... "How did they manage to get everyone to sit still?!" Let me tell you... this K-9 family has it made! We should all be so lucky!

Perfect Holiday Gift

Give a New Orleans Pet Care Gift Certificate
email for details...

Jeaux Noel - Getting close!

Oh my goodness... 10 more shopping days!
I should get started...
How cute is this baby cuddled with the packages...

Saturday, December 13, 2008

One year ago today...

Sawyer was leaving for Africa, it was a very hectic time at work (thank goodness I work from home) and we (New Orleans Pet Care) were very busy. Several of my team were in the middle of finals and/or papers due. The evening prior (12th) we had plans to take Jessica and Sawyer to dinner before Sawyer left. Remy was not feeling well that day and had a seizure in the early evening hour so Mike stayed home with him. When I got home from dinner... we ended up in the emergency room with more seizures. I decided to take Remy to see Dr. Cathrine the next day (13th) because he still did not look very good... I just had a bad feeling. Wow... was I right. Dr. Cathrine told me that he HAD to spend the night but just one night. She let me take him for awhile before I had to leave him. I drove to one of our favorite spots on the River Road between La Place and our family home in Gonzales. Our spot is a place we had gone many times... lots of trees, smells, and places to run. The photo was taken there... After lots of tears, some cuddles (Remy was not a fan of cuddles) I returned to La Place to drop him off. My life has never been the same... I go back to that spot when I need to reconnect with him and with myself. If you don't have a "spot" I highly recommend them... I miss him so much.