Friday, December 31, 2010


Chuck it training...

Jessica started training the little one too!
Look how patient Gi is being...
I love that it takes two hands.

Hi Mommy!

Loving the 70 degree weather...
Loving Pamela...
Missing Mom (but not much!)

Animal Adoption Center - Jackson, WY

If you have 10 minutes to spare... I hope you will watch this video and visit the Animal Adoption Center website. Our wonderful client, Gene Goldring's daughter, Lindsay Goldring is the Executive Director for the Center. They are doing great work... I wish we could get Lindsay home to open a center here! You may want to grab a tissue before you watch.
Happy New Year's Eve!


Thursday, December 30, 2010

Henri did it...

From LASPCA today...

Dear Supporters,

We are so grateful for your continual support through this past year. 2010 is coming to an end, and as you may have heard in the latest news reports we have resumed full Animal Control services after three months of negotiations with the City of New Orleans. When a challenge presents itself to the LA/SPCA team of staff, supporters, volunteers and board members we view it as an opportunity.

The City of New Orleans presented us with an alternative offer just days after we made the decision to move forward without a contract in order to uphold the quality of our animal care at the cost of the Orleans Parish Animal Control contract. Ultimately, the alternative offer rectified one of the main aspects that had come up in negotiations. Can our community continue to bear animal control services being funded for only one year at a time or even for only a partial year? That major question was rectified with this new four-year agreement. It also allows us to move forward and get on with the important work of helping animals. While the agreed upon offer is still below the amount we requested from the City we know we can innovatively budget a deficit solution since we will not be renegotiating year after year.

While our latest chapter of Animal Control has been written, we are looking forward to the future of not only Animal Control, but the multitude of other programs and services we provide as a progressive and humane organization. I encourage you to to view our many services, from expanding our Humane Education programming to our proactive response to the thousands of companion animals affected by the recent Gulf Coast oil spill crisis. I am so proud to be part of an organization that brings so many different levels of giving into a single mission of improving the quality of life for the animals of our community.

I urge you to remember that mission as you celebrate the beginning of a New Year with your own four-legged and two-legged family. Without your support our Humane programming could not flourish. Please take a moment to make a tax deductible year end contribution to our mission of advocating for the animals of our region. We wish you, your family, your four-legged family and loved ones a wonderful New Year.

Woofs and Wags,

Ana Zorrilla

I have...

Pamela every day (2x!) and a Nanny to sleep with me every night!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

My sweet little cousin Bryson

This is my 7 year old cousin Bryson. On Monday, Bryson was hit by a car and is in the hospital in the fight of his life.

His parents, big brother, and our family could really use all of the prayers and positive thoughts we can muster...

Susie Edwards

1976 - 2010
You lived with such grace and touched so many lives...
Rest in peace


We start training them young!

Hi Mommy

Monday, December 27, 2010

Pit Bull & Parolees

I DVR Pit Bull & Parolees and just watched the episode from 12.18 - "Mission of Mercy". Imagine my surprise when one of our clients, Merrie Perl, was mentioned and featured on the show.

The story was about a financial donor (Merrie) who phoned Tia Torres (PB&P) about a Pit that was tied to a pole (bound by both neck and legs) for three days in NOLA. By chance, Tanya O'Reilly (Dog Rescuer - with ARNO) drove past the dog one day and long story short... rescued her. If you get the opportunity to DVR the episode... it is amazing. Huge thanks to Tanya and Merrie for saving Gris-Gris (that is what Merrie named her)... Y'all are both amazing.

Jazz & Gris-Gris @ Boom Boom Room

Y'all please share with your friends in New York... This is a wonderful event that Derek has been playing for years! This year, Derek, Dr. John and Kermit Ruffins. This will be a great time!

Stray Dogs

The non emergency phone number for stray dogs/cats in NOLA is 821.2222. Yes, we have already had to phone a few times!

Toby needs a new home...

Toby is a young (definitely less than 2 years old, maybe less than 1 year old) purebred English pointer whom a good Samaritan found running loose in late November 2010 in Baton Rouge, LA. The lady who found him lives in an apartment so she cannot own a dog, but she didn't want him to go to the local Animal Control which is a kill shelter. She advertised in the newspaper and put fliers up, called Animal Control and all the local vets, but no owner has come forward to claim him. She tried to bring him to a local rescue group which does adoptions at PetSmart on Saturdays but without a vet history they wouldn't accept him. At PetSmart the lady happened to meet some people who know hunting dogs and who identified Toby's breed. Coincidentally these hunting dog "experts" are cousins of his current foster mom--they called her and she agreed to foster him until he can find a forever home.

His foster mom took him straight to the vet who neutered him and gave him his rabies, DHLPP and bordetella shots. He is HW negative and he has had his first dose of preventative medicine. The vet suggested Toby is about two because she saw a little tartar on his teeth But his foster mom think he's younger and so do her cousins because he looks so young, and he acts like a frisky puppy. He is very strong and somewhat of a bull in a china shop when he's indoors in that he likes to explore the house (but he's not destructive and doesn't seem to chew), and it's pretty clear no one has trained him. His dew claws have been removed, however, which the cousins suggest some hunters like to do with their dogs.

Toby seems to be at least partially housebroken and he is very good about sleeping and taking time-outs in his crate. He loves to eat his kibble and he also loves his three female foster sisters, who are large mixed breed dogs. He'd play with them all day if they had the energy. He also likes his foster mom's cats! He's not much of a barker but when he does it's a wonderful deep hound sound.

Toby needs someone who wants to take time to work with him and who has lots of room for him to run. One of the foster mom's cousins showed her how Toby pays attention to everything around him and his nose is always twitching, trying to check out the world around him. No one has tried to get him to point, but he does like to check out the wild life and he is extremely strong so walking him is a challenge when he gets interested in following an animal or a scent. You cannot ask for a more striking or better-tempered young man than Toby, and he is hoping for someone to take him in and show him how to be all he can be.

For more information about adopting Toby, please contact:

Animal Protection and Welfare Society of Baton Rouge
4075 South Ramsey Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70808
225-252-6694 or 225-726-9700


Catnip is good...

Not a people person!

But we love him...

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Makes me so happy!

I just posted payment to client #0003. I am so thankful for all of y'all! To still have #3 after something like Katrina is HUGE!

He loves it!

Baby S sleeping with his holiday present!

Before we move past Christmas...

I love Pamela's Nutcrackers.

We love our Pamela too!

We did not try to kill Pamela...

This kid is making me sleepy!

Henri lounging for the Lord on Sunday!
Fantastic - another man in my life that snores...

What a day!

  • From @ MargaretOrr reports of snow flurries in Harahan & River Ridge!
  • Pamela is ALMOST killed by a very angry cat!
  • Flights to the Northeast are cancelled, people are "stuck" everywhere...Can't leave, can't get home.
  • Flights into Atlanta are also a mess.. people starting to convoy in cars.
  • Only spent 50 minutes at City Bark... pups are still crazy.