Thursday, August 10, 2017

He's back…

Weather/pumps and how much I love this city!

So here is the plan... we started a little early and will take care of everyone as scheduled, as always. If I have to walk to your house, I (we will). We have before and will do so many more times I am sure. I want to get my team off the streets as soon as I can because I trust nothing at this point. IF FOR SOME REASON YOU CAN'T GET HOME and Finn or I can get to your house and you need us, text me. Let us hope this is just another day in paradise. (I mean that sincerely.) #nolaproblems 

Look at our new baby…

Missing our brother and sister

Thank you SWB for the 3AM wake up call #nola

Monday, August 7, 2017

I will burn the house down. Swear…

Our little happy boy

Hummmm....Not sure I would have gone with that.

Hot or Lazy?

This smile gives me life...


Barb precious baby is having surgery today… Prayers, thoughts and crossed paws.

On a mission…


Things are a little bananas... Look below! Erin has to take care of that issue today. OY
Gosh I sure hope it rains today!

Monday morning face…