Saturday, January 4, 2014

Is it just here? Fireworks are blowing up around here!  

Steve Gleason's Synthetic Voice @TeamGleason

Has been tweeting with his eyes all night.  Spot on...

Mommy - We are glad "they" are gone!


I am five minutes from doing this in the kitchen.  

Do You Know What A Yellow Ribbon Tied On A Dog’s Collar Means?

If we win in Philadelphia this evening -

I am going to be all...

So much better being at home...

Bradley makes us get up early...

Friday, January 3, 2014

Look who decided to show up!

All learning to walk together...

Not an easy task but fun!

Love you Mommy!

Where have y'all been?

Dr. Mommy - You save lives... Pamela - HELLLLA more important - we have to TT!

Nap time!

I still can't figure out why people say "I worked like a dog today"...  Does that mean they did nothing?

Okay... they are dressed and ready to go!

@6WxMan - Damon Singleton is smart so I will never question him again...

Vacation... thank goodness. The wedding is driving us nuts!

NOLA People!

Crippling cold temps hit the city!  

  1. Layer
  2. Gloves
  3. Scarf
  4. Hat
  5. Call in sick and don't leave your house (unless you work for me!)  If you call in sick, please don't cancel.  

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Rare find - Pet Friendly Home for Rent (Uptown Triangle)

I had the opportunity to speak to a super nice, pet lover who is very passionate about making sure her rentals are pet friendly.  I have seen photos of the home and if you know someone who is looking...  It is really cute!  Please email  

Is it time?

My vacation is over... I had fun!

Is it me or does this just hurt?

Yes - I want to keep going!

Still playing with our presents...

2013 The year of Sharknado... Never forget.

Seriously? You leaving?

My Mommy is sick...

We are going to cuddles after I walk Bradley.

Dog Who Would Rather Watch TV Than Play Is Probably A Metaphor For Something

Metaphor indeed... 

Pamela brings up a great point...

I would love to hear that story!

I love those ears...

Heads up neighbors and clients...

On Saturday, December 28, 2013 at approximately 2241 hrs Ofc. Gambino was called to an armed carjacking in the 1500 block of 8th St.  Ofc. Gambino arrived on scene with Ofc. Miller at approximately 2243 hrs. Upon arrival Ofc. Gambino was informed that the victim’s 2012 black Mazda with a cracked windshield and Omega sticker was stolen at gunpoint in front of his house. The assailant, a black male approximately 17 to 20 years of age wearing a red sweatshirt with a blue bandanna over his face, approached from the rear, pointed a silver semi automatic gun at the victim and demanded the vehicle. The victim got out of the vehicle and the assailant drove away going east on Eighth street. NOPD officers arrived on scene at approximately 2300 hrs and took witness statements. Ofc. Gambino reported findings to NOPP headquarters and cleared the scene. Nothing further to report at this time.

School Day!

Our sad Mommy... We miss you too.

Good morning New Orleans!

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Can we geaux now?

We could use a few of these...

Walk down here.... I dare you!

Our little Service Girl... How beautiful is she?

Sending love from NOLA!

Yub you Mommy!

Love and kiss me...

Why?  Because I love you too!