Friday, July 31, 2015

He is proud of himself

How Hurricane Katrina Turned Pets Into People

Fantastic article! 

One of these is not like the others...

Murphy, Isabelle, Henri & Lady

I have no idea why they do this...

Isabelle (back) & Henri

Hot, Hot, Hot!

Blss our heart... We try and try but -

Good catch Bradley.  FYI people of Patton Street. Sad part is this could be from 2015 - 2016 and actually be real.

Bulldog rescue group sues Louisiana SPCA for info on euthanization rates

This could get interesting...

Cobra caught inside Houston downtown high-rise


Enjoying vacation!



Thursday, July 30, 2015

We love JeAnn too!

email from a wonderful client... we transport to/from CC! 

Their most recent grooming – JeAnn (sp) at Canine Connection executed a fantastic summer cut on both of them – I highly recommend her.

Survey: 54% Say They'd Save Cell Phone from a Fire Over Their Cat


EARS... This is one smart cookie... so well trained!

So loved...

He almost made it to the bed...

This smile...

Our sweet baby B... One of our first PostK clients back home! #0003

Do you know how hot it is Bradley?

Pick me up Bradley...

I want to get it! I just want to talk to him!

Max confuses me...

My camp started too!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Well... It is hot out!

They have a plan...


These two... !!

Jimmy Kimmel on the Killing of Cecil the Lion

Preach Jimmy. 


Going one way together would not be as much fun!

So here we geaux...

2x a day 7 days a week... BOOM!

Why is he looking at me like this?

The HOT MESS EXPRESS(way) - Tchop today...

Moving oversize cargo in/out the port by Wally World. ALL DAY.  I would totally avoid unless you really need to kill a few hours!

Hi Mommy!

NO... I am not really into getting up.

Still sleepy

Monday, July 27, 2015

You want to do what?

How cute is Bug?

I know...

How cute is Erin's baby?

I love you too...

Don't hate me because I am beautiful

Kiss me!

nope... not a blogger war. Just bananas and I love it! I could use a hot pocket and a diet coke if anyone wants to run by. 

Back to work!
