Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Monday, March 6, 2017

SC Featured: A dog's remarkable journey to find a home

This is beautiful...

A distance of 6,455 miles doesn't begin to measure the journey one dog made to join a team and find a family.

The cookie man is here!

Got a new do

Sassy pants

He picks up a stick on his walks and takes them home to his pile... SO CUTE!


Oh no... back to not being able to post photos!  

Time out

Taking his baby for a nap

I would love to blog this morning but I can't post pictures! I love starting a week like this…

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Today is my Eriniversary! 

I can't imagine my life without Erin (and Murphy). I am blessed beyond measure! I hope she is with me forever. 

S pulled the treat bag onto the floor while Pamela was taking care of the note...

It was a race to clean before everything was gone.