Friday, January 17, 2014

My parent died and I need a home...

▶ Pet of the Week Macho on WVUE 1-17-2014 - YouTube:

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Hold me...

Kill the toy wabbit

Do I have to go to school?

I was sleeping...

Tink and her new sister...

Tink looks thrilled.

Come close to me Lab and I will go all kind of crazy!

Now me "fixing" blogger...

I am all... 

Yea - I can do stupid stuff I just cant save photos from my Team to - never mind.

My new keyboard...

I - all by myself (please don't judge me)...  fixed it and I am all.

Well they did...


Blogger is winning the battle but will not win the war.  The war will be one won by either AOL or the new keyboard and mouse that I can't install.

Come back soon...

I am short...

People ditching pets on side of West Bank road

Goodness!  Tragic!

People ditching pets on side of West Bank road | New Orleans:

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Thursday, January 16, 2014

My smart kid of the day goes to this kid...

We are getting better...

I love the transition...

Stop Everything You Are Doing And Watch This Dog Dance

Stop Everything You Are Doing And Watch This Dog Dance:

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Our newest baby...

Tissue Alert! Top i Love Dogs Feel-Good Stories of 2013

Great read...
Tissue Alert! Top i Love Dogs Feel-Good Stories of 2013

You like my sweater dress...

Hi Mommy!

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger... except bears.  Bears will kill you.

I have a cold.

See you soon...

Loves the train!

She sings when she hears it...

When I walked out to walk MY babies...

I was all !  IT IS COLD Y'ALL! I

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Spooning... sort of.

Never gets old...

You woke me up too lady...

You woke me up lady...


Holla Daddy!

I think this kid is smart.


Thank goodness Mom remembered to ask Dad!

Pick me up please...

My vacation is relaxing...

Can I get that cookie now?

This did not go over well with the babies this AM...

Bunny hunting this AM on Washington & St. Charles Avenue - random.

Off to school...

I went to school yesterday!

And my family loved it more...

New Orleans' dog park plan | News

New Orleans' dog park plan | News | Gambit - New Orleans News and Entertainment:

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Wiener Dog Racing at Fair Grounds - Your Wiener Wednesday Information!

Wiener Dog Racing at Fair Grounds | Fair Grounds Race Course & Slots:

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Deer down...

Tuesday, January 14, 2014