Last month (from May 1, 2008 – May 31, 2008), my website had 18,019 “hits”. Obviously, not all of those are existing clients or potential clients. That, I fully understand and acknowledge.
With that, this page is one of the most popular pages visited. Therefore, I want to provide information to readers… both clients, potential clients and those of you that are just visiting.
I will reserve personal comment on the writer… however; the quote is one that I find myself using this time of the year.
“Hope is not a plan. Don’t hope for something. Plan for it. ”
-Anderson Cooper
(When talking about respective response of goverment(s) support, or lack thereof, regarding Katrina)
Today, I started watching Tropical Depression Arthur (today is just the start of hurricane season for those that are just visiting and not living in a hurricane “zone”…) we know, plans are very important in our business as well.
My business is taking care of your family and I take that very seriously. So, for everyone visiting the site…
New Orleans Pet Care clients – You know the PLAN.
Potential New Orleans Pet Care clients – We do not haphazardly enforce our PLAN. It may be a bit more than you want to think about but this is not our first hurricane season.
If you choose another pet care company or decide upon a boarding facility, I would suggest that you are sure they have a written plan that leaves no room for ambiguity.
Just a few things…
My site is hosted outside of New Orleans.
My Webmaster is in Illinois.
The blog turns into an emergency page (it has always been on the site, just not visible).
The blog can/will be managed from anywhere but… we manage from:
Gonzales, Louisiana (225)
Dallas, Texas (214, 972)
Edmond, Oklahoma (405)
These numbers will be posted on the blog if necessary.
We HOPE to never have to execute the PLAN again... but we are prepared to do so.