Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Doing the right thing...

Earlier this year Barb was walking one of our clients when another dog got away from the owner and attacked Barb and the client. Barb was really hurt because she put herself on top of our client to protect him. Thankfully, the client was not hurt at all.  After the incident the owner of the dog exchanged information with Barb and I contacted her immediately after Barb left the Emergency Room.  

Having owned this company for so long, this is certainly not the first time something like this has happened. I have sued more than one person for not taking financial responsibility, had one situation where we did not have the owners information and took care of the medical charges myself.  With that...  the owner of the dog involved in this situation has been absolutely amazing.  She has taken care of every single bill and equally as important was always so concerned about Barb and her well being.  She has reached out to us to check on Barb and make sure we did not have any outstanding medical bills.  When we presented her with an invoice, payment was in my box the next day.  

Doing the right thing is something you always hope people will do but - this is the very first time someone has stepped up and done so for us.  I have had text and email conversations with her and can say without second thought... I respect and appreciate her so very much and have told her so on more than one occasion as has Barb.  

Barb's Physical Therapy is over and this is behind us but I just wanted to say...  to K - I wish more people were like you.  Barb sent this text to me today... "she was a complete angel about the whole thing and I appreciate everything".

Thank you K... Sincerely - thank you so very much for doing the right thing.  


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