Monday, March 2, 2015

Que son cœur être guéri ...

I met this wonderful business associate, A,  just after Katrina... (I know... some of you that are new here, do not what to hear it - stop reading... if it is bothersome, move back to wherever you came from so you don't have to hear it from those of us that lived it... okay?!) I had few people that I learned to lean on in this "business" that were local, people that lived it, did not leave it, owned it, suffered it, picked up trash on the side of the road, held hands and crossed the road - local. I quickly realized that A was doing what I did for the same reasons I did them - it was not a business, it was a need that we satisfied for ourselves and we wanted to give that peace of mind to others because we all needed it... Our businesses were born out of passion.

As an adoptee, my other connection to A is that she and her partner are parents who chose adoption. As an adoptee, that warms my heart,

Thus -

As some of you know, A and D adopted P and M.  M was born with a heart disease and they were well aware. They committed to adopting her, and did not turn in the sorry - not perfect...  giving her back card and they could have.

The details of her heart disease are not as important as the the need to give everything we can give - whatever that looks like for each one of us. Her heart does not work the way it needs to so we have to keep her heart in ours.  Whatever you do to find and offer blessings and peace,  please do so in the name of this blessed little one today...

M and her big brother P.

Hospital stay, after stay, surgery after surgery...  back in PICU, in and out and back in... waiting for heart surgery -

But, this morning her heart surgery was cancelled because she needs a little more rest and a little more lifting.   She is in NICU.  

In whatever way you do, please help A, D and her big brother P by lifting her up.  

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